A Flash Music Player
Philosophy: I am not a huge fan of looking at a timeline when listening to music (the same goes for audio waveforms). The reason is that it encourages the user to be inpatient, quickly scroll trough the content and possibly a negative time expectation.
Click on the image to see it in action
The principle behind this player was that I wanted the Player to be easily reconfigurable, flexible and controllable via CGI generated playlists. The playlist comes from a CMS that delivers meta information and which files is for the public domain or not. The playback is controlled via a combination of javascript and actionscript.
Techniques and scripts behind the player
Things needed
- An array with sound files to be played
- A trigger that will start the player
- A way to launch a specific sound file via click
- Simple Play, Pause, Next and Previous commands
The sound array
var sndArray = ["song1.mp3","song2.mp3","etc"];
A trigger to start the player
// This comes from Flash function getFirstPlayFromFlash() { currIndex = 0; var newImg = "img_" + (currIndex + 1); sndpSend(sndArray[currIndex],newImg,currIndex); } // This gets sent to Flash function sndpSend(str,imgid,ci) { if (last_img) { if (document.getElementById(last_img)) { document.getElementById(last_img).src = '/player/listen2_16px.png'; } } document.getElementById(imgid).src = '/player/listen_16px_now.png'; last_img = imgid; getFlashMovie("flashcontent").sendTextToFlash(str); currIndex = ci; var testString = "currIndex=" +currIndex+ " soundFile:" + sndArray[currIndex]; document.getElementById('stat').innerHTML = ''; // + testString; }
function getTextFromJavaScript(str:String):void { returnstring = str; if (isSoundPlaying) { channel.stop(); removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); isSoundPlaying = false; play_mc.gotoAndStop(1); meter_off.visible = true; } channel = new SoundChannel(); snd = new Sound(); // This is the sound file to played str = "/someURL/" + str; var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest(str); snd.load(req); channel = snd.play(); channel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE,handleSoundComplete); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); isSoundPlaying = true; } // This is the actual trigger that comes from JavaScript ExternalInterface.addCallback("sendTextToFlash", getTextFromJavaScript);
A way to launch a specific sound file via user click
<span onclick="javascript:sndpSend('song9.mp3','img_9',8)" title="Play Song">9. Diesel (01:55)</span>
function sndpSend(str,imgid,ci) { if (last_img) { if (document.getElementById(last_img)) { document.getElementById(last_img).src = '/player/listen2_16px.png'; } } document.getElementById(imgid).src = '/player/listen_16px_now.png'; last_img = imgid; // Send this to Flash getFlashMovie("flashcontent").sendTextToFlash(str); // Update the play index currIndex = ci; // if some extra information needs to be sent as feedback var testString = "currIndex=" +currIndex+ " soundFile:" + sndArray[currIndex]; document.getElementById('stat').innerHTML = ''; // + testString; }
Simple Play, Pause, Stop, Next and Previous commands (launching a sound file has already been taken care of in the "sndpSend" function)
// Play next song function getNextFromFlash(curr) { // Update the play index var ci = currIndex + 1; if (ci < sndArray.length) { currIndex = ci; var newImg = "img_" + (currIndex + 1); // Launch next song sndpSend(sndArray[currIndex],newImg,currIndex); if (currIndex > 13) { scrollDown(); } } else { // This is the end of the playlist document.getElementById('stat').innerHTML = 'The End. Thanks for listening!'; } } // Play previous song function getPrevFromFlash(curr) { // Update the play index var ci = currIndex - 1; if (ci >= 0) { currIndex = ci; var newImg = "img_" + (currIndex + 1); sndpSend(sndArray[currIndex],newImg,currIndex); if (currIndex > 13) { scrollUpp(); } } else { // This is the beginning of the playlist document.getElementById('stat').innerHTML = 'Playlist Start'; } }
The complete JavaScript
var last_img; var currIndex; // = -1; function getFirstPlayFromFlash() { currIndex = 0; var newImg = "img_" + (currIndex + 1); sndpSend(sndArray[currIndex],newImg,currIndex); } function getTextFromFlash(str) { var ci = currIndex + 1; if (ci < sndArray.length) { currIndex = ci; var newImg = "img_" + (currIndex + 1); sndpSend(sndArray[currIndex],newImg,currIndex); if (currIndex > 13) { scrollDown(); } } else { document.getElementById('stat').innerHTML = 'Playlist End'; } } function sndpSend(str,imgid,ci) { if (last_img) { if (document.getElementById(last_img)) { document.getElementById(last_img).src = '/player/listen2_16px.png'; } } document.getElementById(imgid).src = '/player/listen_16px_now.png'; last_img = imgid; getFlashMovie("flashcontent").sendTextToFlash(str); currIndex = ci; var testString = "currIndex=" +currIndex+ " soundFile:" + sndArray[currIndex]; document.getElementById('stat').innerHTML = ''; // + testString; } // Check browser function getFlashMovie(movieName) { var isIE = navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1; return (isIE) ? window[movieName] : document[movieName]; } // This gets triggered from the flash file function getNextFromFlash(curr) { var ci = currIndex + 1; if (ci < sndArray.length) { currIndex = ci; var newImg = "img_" + (currIndex + 1); sndpSend(sndArray[currIndex],newImg,currIndex); if (currIndex > 13) { scrollDown(); } } else { document.getElementById('stat').innerHTML = 'The End. Thanks for listening!'; } } function getPrevFromFlash(curr) { var ci = currIndex - 1; if (ci >= 0) { currIndex = ci; var newImg = "img_" + (currIndex + 1); sndpSend(sndArray[currIndex],newImg,currIndex); if (currIndex > 13) { scrollUpp(); } } else { document.getElementById('stat').innerHTML = 'Playlist Start'; } } // Scroll side-pane (the small up/down arrows) function scrollUpp(url) { var nypos = document.getElementById('scrollBox').scrollTop - 20; document.getElementById('scrollBox').scrollTop = nypos; } function scrollDown(sto) { if (document.getElementById('scrollBox')) { var nypos = document.getElementById('scrollBox').scrollTop + 20; document.getElementById('scrollBox').scrollTop = nypos; } } // An array of sound files to be played var sndArray = ["song1.mp3","song2.mp3","etc"];
Please follow this link see it in action.
If you are interested, go to the original site - www.heamusic.com - and check the HTML source code.
© Hans E Andersson